Climate Justice
UUANI is a member of the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition, which works to address the climate crisis by replacing fossil fuels with renewables through policies and programs that promote jobs and equity.
We recently participated in the successful Climate and Energy Jobs Act (CEJA) campaign, which set IL on a path to a 100% clean energy future by 2050 and putting 1,000,000 electric vehicles on the road by 2030, with jobs and economic development targeted toward low-income and disadvantaged communities.
Let us know if you’d like to be part of our Climate Justice Team.
Environmental Resources:
How to Become a Green Sanctuary
The Environmental Issue Group has created a number of environmental education flyers/ Order of Worship Service inserts. Print versions are designed to be folded.
Feeding Our Hungry Cities with Vertical Farms and Other Approaches (read) (print 4-page fold)
Pros and Cons of GMO Foods (read) (print 4 page fold)
Eating Organic (read) (print double sided cut for 2)
Growing Organic Produce Locally (read) (print double sided cut for 2)
Bottled vs Tap Water (read) (print single sided and cut for 2)
Improving Battery Efficiency and Ecology (read) (print 4 page fold)
Putting a Price on Carbon (read) (print 4 page fold)
Green Hydrogen (read) (print 4 page fold)
Environmentally Powered Sensors and Switches (read) (print 4 page fold)
Ceiling Fans (read) (print double sided and cut for 2)
How to Make a Difference
Plastic Waste: The Search for a Sustainable Solution (read) (print 8 page)
Learning from Nature -- To Fight Global Warming (read) (print 4 pages)
Beyond LEED -- The Living Building Challenge (read) (print 4 page fold)
Divestment from Fossil Fuels and Reinvestment in Clean Energy: What You Can Do (read) (print 4 page fold)
Car Sharing Services (read) (print 4-page fold)
Clean Sustainable Travel Methods (read) (print 4-page fold)
How to Charge Electronic Vehicles (read) (print 4-page fold)
Further Resources
Take a look at this analysis of the use of energy in the US (from the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory). Note the waste!